More about NewCarmel Prophets.


To grow a national network of prophetic hubs rooted in regions, connected to church leaders and committed to stewarding the word of the Lord.

To build strong prophetic communities across the nation to facilitate the sharing of prophetic words  and for those words to reach those who carry authority in the nation, both in the church and in the world.


To encourage the use of the prophetic gift in all streams of life, both in and outside the church.


The One Voice Prophetic Conference held in Reading in February 2020 saw a gathering of prophetic people with a desire to hear from the Lord for the nation and deliver that word to those in authority.

The purpose of the conference was:

1) to build relationally across the different prophetic networks and

2) to wait on God to hear what was on his heart for different areas of society (government, health, education, media, church, etc.) and to deliver this as ‘One Voice’ to those who carry authority in those spheres.

Following on from the conference, God has opened doors for a summary of these prophetic words to be delivered to those who hold positions of power and authority in the UK.

National Network Oversight

The National Network is currently led by Sue Winyard, Member of the Apostolic Team at The Gate Church, Reading. She works alongside the NewCarmel oversight team which includes the following leaders appointed by their respective denominations.

Yinka Oyekan,         Former President of the Baptist Union and member of Baptist Union National Team.

Russ Fairman,         Coordinating Team member for England and Wales. CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Services), Roman Catholic Church                       

Neil Townsend,       Senior Team Lead for OpenGate churches and Senior Lead at Wantage Community Church

Roger Grassham,     Member of National Elim Prayer Team, Elim Pentecostal Church

The NewCarmel Prophetic Network

The Prophetic Network is primarily relational and is open to prophetic groupings already in operation and to new groups wishing to form.

Prophetic Hubs

Groups of prophetic people in a region who build relationally together. The team connects with both other prophetic people and with the church leaders in their region.


To build, encourage, and sharpen the prophetic gift and look for opportunities to communicate the heart of God to their regional church and local government leaders.

To grow in the prophetic and encourage its use in everyday life, not simply within the church.

To pass any significant words for the nation on through the network for communication more widely. We believe there will be much synergy between what different regions of the country are receiving from the Lord as well as significant differences and the ability to map this across the nation will be valuable.

Role of Prophetic Hub Leaders

Responsibility for encouraging the growth and development of the Hub in their region by:

  • actively growing the hub through adding both seasoned prophets and prophetic people.
  • networking across local churches and honouring local leaders
  • developing prophetic gifting
  • facilitating the weighing of words,
  • praying
  • recording significant spiritual events (past and current) and revelation
  • passing on any significant words to the local church and community leaders and the National Network.
  • actively seeking to bless the local area. Ideas could include Prophecy on the streets, speaking prophetically into local businesses and key people, using creativity to bless the community, praying and fasting for the local area in the light of words received
  • attending monthly online gatherings for Hub leaders
  • attending the national conference
  • joining in NCP events in other areas and nations to bless those areas and to deliver prophesy.

Hub leaders will be men and women in good relationship with local leaders and will receive training and support to develop the hub in their region.